Buy my art

Thursday, 23 September 2010

I have done it!

Finally I think a few people might be saying, but I am now officially a self promoting artist (and trainee teacher - that starts next week says I in a slightly apprehensive but excited tone).

The art side of things is something I have played with for years, so now that I have the space, the time, the inspiration and inclination I have come up with this - www.shetlandinfocus
.com - himself's dad gave me the web space a few months ago and I never did anything with it, we talked about it but we had other things to do so I n
ever had a chance to really get into it. This year however, I moved all my art stuff into the workshop and started work on various bits and pieces.

This last month I started working on a project about the Drongs, a series of sea stacks in Northmavine. As ever the ideas booked filled up quickly, only this time I was able to develop it and create a few good bits of art which I now need to mount and frame.

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