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Friday, 15 October 2010


It happened, last Monday I turned 30. A lot of people panic about being 30, some how I feel invigorated, ready for anything and willing to climb the highest mountains or swim the 7 seas just because they are there. Its rather a nice feeling, its like waking up after a long deep sleep, and all I want to do is run around and tell the world that I am back and here and ready!

Two weeks into teacher training and I am loving it, I'm the only Ranger on the course, which makes for some interesting conversations as times, but it does make the planning and curriculum side a little easier to get my head around.

I've not had a great deal of time to play with my art tho, and I really must get on with mounting and framing so I can move on and do more and the light is epic just now for being out and taking photographs. So it is just as well that I am ahead with my course work and can spend next week catching up with art and whelk picking once the tides start to back off again on Wednesday.

Then there is training, admin, and all those other finicky little things that I do and cannot get away from, that I really must write down and tick off as they are completed. I have a feeling my to do list will be a mile long again, and I do wonder if a timetable would help?

Ah the absentmindedness of a Saturday morning, I really must do something constructive!

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